bglug presentation – 04 aug 2014 – basics of initial centos/rhel 6.x server configuration
Attached is the presentation for my talk on initial CentOS/RHEL 6.x server configuring. bglug-2014-08-04-myers
fighting the lack of good ideas
Attached is the presentation for my talk on initial CentOS/RHEL 6.x server configuring. bglug-2014-08-04-myers
I run a CentOS mirror. Have for a couple years. But I never stopped to see just how long it takes to start becoming a mirror. In case you wanted to know, I created a quick DO VM and ran the rsync mirror job yesterday. The results? At ~2.5MB/s, it took just over 8 hours to download…
To add to my tutorial collection, here’s how to setup EtherPad on CentOS 6 (x64). As in the IRC tutorial, I used a Digital Ocean VM for this 🙂 What is EtherPad? It’s an open-source collaborative text editor that works like Google Docs – ie, all editors/viewers can see changes from everyone else in realtime….
I had need to automatically process emails to a specific address to pull attachments out, and this is how I did it: $ yum install mpack $ cat #!/bin/bash rm -rf ~/attachtmp mkdir ~/attachtmp mv ~/Maildir/new/* ~/attachtmp cd ~ munpack ~/attachtmp/* rm -rf ~/attachtmp $ crontab -l */5 * * * * ~/ Why,…
continue “automatically extract email attachments with common linux tools” »
I wanted to try something different when playing with CentOS 6 recently, so I did a network install. Other than one very small detail, the install is identical to installing off a normal ISO. Here’s the difference: use the netinstall.iso (eg when it asks for the URL to grab your image from, use something like (make…