I run a CentOS mirror. Have for a couple years.
But I never stopped to see just how long it takes to start becoming a mirror.
In case you wanted to know, I created a quick DO VMÂ and ran the rsync mirror job yesterday. The results? At ~2.5MB/s, it took just over 8 hours to download 79GB of CentOS repositories.
Results came from running:
time rsync -azHv --delete us-msync.centos.org::CentOS /root/centos
Of course, if you want to mirror it “for real”, you should use ‘q’ instead of ‘v’ as an argument for rsync, and you should give it a better path than /root/centos.
You should also setup a webserver to offer the media out to others.
Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.