never run out of dry erase markers
They always go dead when you need them most – so stock up. Especially at employee personal whiteboard, meeting rooms, and class rooms.
fighting the lack of good ideas
They always go dead when you need them most – so stock up. Especially at employee personal whiteboard, meeting rooms, and class rooms.
For a long time I have been interested in real, actual, legitimate security. I am not a fan of the widespread use of security theater in our “post-9/11 world”, as Bruce Schneier calls it. Integrisure was supposed to be a real-world pentesting of “secure” facilities, a la Sneakers. In late 2000 / early 2001, I was working on…
Establishing and building a community around a common interest is hard. After exhausting your network of friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc – the only way of getting new folks into the community is to aggressively campaign and advertise to them. Let’s say you’re a technical user group (like a couple of the ones I’m a part…
Law 31 The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice: Your victims feel they are in control, but are actually your puppets. Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose. Force them to make chocies between the lesser of two evils, both of…
Whether you’re familiar with the Stack Exchange family of sites and services (,, etc), or not, I encourage you to check-out and support this new DevOps proposal to see if maybe it can get to a critical mass and launch as its own Q&A site on the SE network
After running into some wacky networking issues at a recent customer engagement, I had a brainstorm about a smart[ish] DHCPd server that could work in conjunction with DNS and static IP assignment to more intelligently fill subnet space. Here’s the scenario we had: Lab network space is fairly-heavily populated with static assigned addresses – in…
…and a week to go. Normally, I take about one big break for the book of the face every year – generally when my wife and I take a vacation somewhere 🙂 This year we’re upping the ante: while home – and accessible via SMS, email, Twitter, phone, Google+, etc – I’m on a two…